An Indie Redd White RP account by CeazarThis is outdated idk if ill ever update this so, im hiding muse related everything lmao


I'm very lenient with rules- I only have a few.

  • I do not mind how mean you are to him. Yell at him, call him names, bully him. Do whatever. I just ask you do not tell him to kill himself. That is my only limit. (Death Threats and "I hope you die" are okay, but be careful about twitter banning you.)

  • Please let me know if you are going to injury him gravely if it's not a crack thread.

  • I ask you do not include any talk of vomit- it is my one and only trigger. My limit is "I'm going to be sick"

  • I do not do Lewd rp

Things you should know before you follow

  • There's no lewd rp, but sometimes i make sex jokes. I ask that minors (mun and or muse) do not interact with these threads.

  • Frequent discussion of murder, blackmail, mental illness, death, blood, injuries, alcoholism, and suicidal ideation will be here. I can tag if needed but I may forget.

  • Understand that I am not my character. I do not condone any of his actions. He's a poor little meow meow- and I can make him worse.

Mun Info

Hiya! I'm Ceazar. She/Her pronouns. As of writing this, I am 18.I'm usually pretty friendly, do not be afraid to start rping or plotting with me. I don't bite (on tuesdays) I'm usually just as anxious as you probably are.My big passion is characters- creation, drawing, and writing them. I have hundreds of ocs, and canon characters I have stolen for myself (Like Redd!). My other huge passion is animals. I love all animals! I have a dog myself who I talk about a lot. I also love reptiles and especially snakes.all of my accounts are under the tag #DASTARDLYCZAR . I'm only ever active on a few at once, though.

Muse Info

Redd C. White is the former CEO of Bluecorp, a company that made money on blackmail. He once controlled the law system. Judges, lawyers, and even the police were in his pocket. Until, he was finally caught after murdering Mia Fey.Currently, he is a miserable pile of regrets. Being put in prison and actually facing consequences for his actions shocked him to his very core! It was enough to scare him into behaving, for the most part. He is still a shitty person, but he's too afraid of going to prison to do anything major.Personality wise, he's changed a lot. He is much more timid than he once was. He is a coward and a bit of a control freak. Sometimes, glimpses of his prior rude and arrogant self show. But honestly, he hates himself too much to act too mean anymore. He rarely even makes up his stupid words anymore. However, he's still extravagant as ever. He loves spending money! If he likes you, he will shower you in giftsHe will apologize and grovel ad nauseam to any Fey or Phoenix he comes across. The same way every time. It's really embarrassing.He just wants to be treated like a human again. But he knows that's not possible. He's a monster.Redd is also extremely sickly. He's riddled with scars and is anemic. He's got a huge scar on the side of the head that still bothers him. He's also very mentally ill.


I have an embarrassing amount of Redd Headcanons, or as I call them, ReddCanons

  • He is heavily dyslexic

  • He has SEVERE OCD, depression, and PTSD (all undiagnosed and untreated)

  • basically, he's very close to a breakdown at any given time

  • He's got a sliiiiight lazy eye

  • he also has a stutter that comes out when he's nervous

  • Cannot understand sarcasm, but will use it himself at some times

  • Allergic to holy water

  • Naturally blonde

  • Low alcohol tolerance- drinks to cope

  • Birthday is July 4th

  • He can eat/bite through things he really shouldn't be able to. This manifests in him eating things he shouldn't eat because he got stressed

  • likes (bad) interior design

  • He used to play the violin as a child

  • He is a good cook- and he stress cooks. a lot

  • He likes birds

  • He did Not have a good childhood and thats why he's so fucked up (and why he's so dead set on taking care of brat fran and brat seb)

  • Animals usually hate him. No matter how friendly someone's pet is, they usually end up biting him

  • HOWEVER, he has a pet kitten now, named Skimbleshanks who he abso-posi-lutely adores. Skimble is the only animal who does not hate him

  • Cezanne his beloved has introduced him to musicals so he would shut up for about 2 hours and he really likes them!!

  • dabbles in painting, occasionally. Thankfully he has not graduated to sculpting for fun.

  • ask him about spongebob!

  • He can see ghosts. Don't ask

  • He would do anything to fix what he's done. Anything.


My own Muses

Cezanne Stryker his beloved!!! They are in a very toxic relationship. He's codependent on her, believing he needs her to keep him in line. She constantly degrades him and really just hates him. But she thinks his constant attention is nice... and especially his money. He's honestly nothing more than a sugar daddy who cooks and cleans. That's why he's still around

Damon Gant is his soon to be father in law, person he's seeking approval of, and his murderer. Gant stabbed Redd 23 times and killed him. He was revived (more on that later) but Gant is still fuming. especially now that he and his dearest daughter are to be wed! Hell hath no fury like a father who doesn't approve of you. Redd is very afraid of him

Frankie!!!!!! One of his few actual friends. That goes for Frank, as well. They met in prison and bonded over mutual thinker statue murder. And then Frank lied himself into a different prison and they didn't meet until they were both out. They do legitimately care for each other as buddies, though! They're bros! Redd also helps a lot with Frank's money troubles. Frank is always hesitant to ask, but Redd is there, when he needs him.Redd also idolizes Frank, in a weird way. He thinks Frank is really cool. He wishes he would be more like him. Frank is almost the older brother to Redd. At least, that's how he sees him! They're very close.

he saw him naked and covered in peanut butter in a photo once.

Others Muses

He does not like Kris. Kris constantly confuses him. At times being kind, others being rude. He's said some things to Redd that fucked him up for a really long time. But he thinks he deserves it so it's not that bad, surely. He avoids Kris if he can.

Tread carefully with this one. He reminds him of himself. Also, his father killed him once. No thanks.

They're about to be in-laws. Redd is /trying/ to be nice, especially with Gant being Laurice's father. Redd still bothers him, much to Laurice's annoyance.

This is a nice girl! One of his few friends..... right?

This one! This one is like a son to him, in a weird way. He sees a lot of himself in him. Every day, he makes sure he is fed. He'll cook for him if he isn't. Not only is he worried sick about him- especially with his Pops still in the picture, but he's worried that he'll hurt him. He's only trying to help, honestly! He's trying as hard as he can.Redd isn't fit to be a father. He can barely take care of himself. But by god, he's trying. He loves Sebastian so much and he's trying.He honestly feels so guilty that of all people, it was him who stepped in. Redd White, the serial blackmailer and murderer. It shouldn't have been him. He feels like shit that it was him. He also feels awful that Seb has some skewed views on Redd and prisons. He feels like he is ruining him.

He doesn't quite know what to think. They've been quite nice to him on occasion, and it confuses him deeply. Maybe he does need a psychologist's help...

How do you say "regret"? He's deeply afraid of Diego and deeply sorry. But nothing can help what he did to him. He tries to keep his distance, for Diego's sake. And probably for his own life.

Again, he is so so sorry. Sorry doesn't cut it, but he'll keep saying it. (And he's sorry for trying to eat his badge!)

Oh, he fucking hates the phantom. he broke into his house, traumatized sebastian so he hates him with a burning passion now!

Technically his stepdaughter through his relationship to Zak. Which is weird to think about. She doesn't like him or the relationship. So he tries to avoid her. But he does want to help Zak "fix" what he's done

They first started out really rocky. Zak made Sebastian cry and for weeks Redd would constantly dunk on him, and his horrible cooking. But after a deeper conversation, Redd slowly realized that they're really similar. Two guys who have done wrong and are the constant punching bag of everyone around them. For a good reason. But Redd thinks there's a point where the punching bag knows what it's done, and you don't have to keep hitting it.They're friends now. Redd believes Zak has changed. Maybe in death he can do better than he was in life. And he believes in Zak whole heartedly.He is also... massively in love with Zak. He's been for a while. But it was so confusing, because they both believed they're straight. But eventually he confessed and boom. Boyfriends! Zak makes him so happy. And he needs it

once more, filled with regret, he gets nervous around her. but, thats not what matters, really. after all, he killed her sister.... Another he tries to avoid.

This is his other child figure. Things said about Sebastian apply- he cooks things for her, buys things for her, offers a place for her to stay. And they both like birds! She is much more forthcoming on wanting to be adopted by him.

His """"BROTHER"""" who loves to torture him. McGungus loves to show poor Redd naughty photos of Manfred Von Karma and sometimes Blaise Debeste. He is a menace to him. HE HATES HIM!!! FUCK YOU MCJUNGLE

Redd feels really weird about Meekins. He has helped Redd out on a few occasions. And he cares about Sebastian, too! Which he appreciates. Redd also sometimes buys things for him, or just gives him money.
However, he's still a detective and he is somewhat afraid of him. Well, more afraid that he will make a mistake around Mike and would need to arrest him and it's back to jail.
They tend to have really awkward conversations because both are incredibly nervous. Redd just ends up feeling bad because he thinks it's his fault

If Redd ever snaps and murders someone again, this is who it would be. Paul is really just a younger verson of Redd, except he is a politician. And his biggest crime is that he is madly in love with HIS Cezanne. Paul walks on thin ice, the only thing preventing Redd from abso-posi-lutely mutilating him is the fact he is scared of prison and he has people that rely on him. Fuck you, Paul.

youre not supposed to be here.